character rig introduction test

HeminRasul Filed Under: Labels:

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Creative Character Animation

HeminRasul Filed Under: Labels:
Module Leader Siobhan Fenton

The character profile

Physical Conditions
Age-22 years old
Height-5 feet 11”
Sex- Male
Race- European
Body structure- Head-Arms-Fingers-etc
Clothes-useful features etc
Motion- Crazy exaggerated and excited

Local Environment
Walled room (gym), Modern
Lighting-Day time
General Items-Gym equipment
Specific Item-Bottle of Energy drink

Ant- Killer bad at sports and not in a good shape for exercise.

Collector of stamps, bike parts, running, hopping

Mental Condition
Massively happy

A guy named Bob has just found out about a new energy drink that has hit the market which helps you to work out twice as much during your daily exercise.
 Bob appears in the gym holding the drink and says, “Hey! Look at this, isn’t this amazing!” He starts drinking from the bottle and he seems really happy and excited about the drink. He guzzles the drink down and shows an air of a satisfaction by making a noise, when he finishes drinking he tosses the empty bottle upwards and it ends up on the floor right next to him.  He then turns around and sees himself in a mirror and starts posing. All a sudden he gets freaked out by the fact that he has an allergic reaction towards the contents of the drink. He tries to go and get some help and starts running in the opposite direction. In the process he slips on the bottle and lands on the floor unconscious.

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